Hilfe:MyKlexikon/The Arctic
People call the Arctic the area around the North Pole. It is the point that lies furthest to the north. While the South Pole lies on the continent Antarctic, the north pole is only water. This Arctic Ocean is frozen throughout the whole year.
It's hard to say exactly where the Arctic is located. A lot of researchers think that there is a Pacific boarder the Arctic ends right there, where even in July it doesn't get hotter than 10 degrees Celsius that is about as cold as a fall day in Germany. The border doesn't only go through the Pacific Ocean, but also part of North America, and Europa and Asia
In the Arctic it gets super cold, there is snow almost everywhere but in the southern part of the Arctic, the snow and the ice melts away. There is a small number of plants in the Arctic and there are also not many animals or humans.
For a long time, people in Europa didn't even know about the Antarctic until around the 19 hundred but the people started to venture further north until they reached the north pole claims a group of North Americans. You cannot prove that this happened though. But then a Russian professor flew to the Arctic and he landed this was the first time that people knew that someone went to the Arctic. Global warming is strongly affecting the Arctic; a lot of ice melts there. Because of that, sea level is rising all over the world. A lot of small ice chunks are floating all over the water. Because of that, it is a lot harder for ice bears to move around freely on the ice. It is especially difficult for polar bear pups. But also other animals are suffering from global warming.